Enola gay song instumental

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The skinny kid came back home, mostly walking, from Berlin to Italy. They tie themselves to tree branches at night. They have to steal from German citizens, for food, protection and to go unnoticed during the day. Now a fugitive, he’s running away from imprisonment with a fellow Soviet inmate. One of them, who had spent four years there, was my grandfather. The aftermath, Hiroshima Germany, 75 years agoĪpril, same year - Two men escape from a concentration camp called Sachsenhausen, built in the town of Oranienburg, north of Berlin. The B-29 stayed over the target area for two minutes and was ten miles away when the bomb detonated.

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6 August 1945 - At 8:15 am (Hiroshima time) an atomic bomb called Little Boy, the first ever to be dropped on a populated city, took less than 50 seconds to fall from the Enola Gay to the city.

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